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Meet The Team

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Katrin I. Kutlucinar, MA, LGPC Founder & Director

Katrin I. Kutlucinar, MA, LGPC


is a Licensed Graduate Professional Counselor. She is also a research associate for the world-renowned researcher and neuropsychopharmacologist, Dr. Robert M. Post of the Bipolar Collaborative Network and professor of Clinical Psychiatry at George Washington University. Her current research focuses on bringing awareness of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder (PBD) to clinicians to close the 5 to 10-year gap between the onset of the disorder to diagnosis and first treatment.She is the founder and director of the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization “Research and Conversations About Bipolar Disorder.”

The mission of the non-profit is to bridge the gap between the academic study of bipolar disorder and the bipolar patient population, their family members, and clinicians, to help patients become more involved in their treatment teams, and to educate clinicians on the complexities of this disorder.Katrin also serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Clinical Medical Research and has published several peer-reviewed articles on Bipolar Disorder, the role of Astrocytes on depression, child growth patterns from the use of stimulant medications, and the effects of COVID-19 on mental health.


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